Your Benefits:

  • Specific investigation of your energy usage for every site and equipment
  • Constant and central monitoring of your objects’ energy efficiency
  • Cost controlling and optimization facilitated by real-time overview of your power consumption
  • Visualization and quantification of your savings through “before-and-after” measurements
  • Benchmarking and continual improvement of different objects’ energy efficiency
  • We monitor your energy consumption
  • Your save energy
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What does the collaboration look like?

  • We support you with the installation of the submeters and the procurement of the hardware and software.
  • We suggest relevant key performance indicators and develop a concrete action plan with you.
  • You receive all relevant evaluations from us as well as regular suggestions for further optimisation of the systems.

Why should you work with us?

  • Receive public funding from the government without individual application through working with Kilowatthandel AG
  • We will monitor your energy usage for you
  • You can save energy
Participate now

Funded Project Einsparzähler

What was the pilot programme on energy saving meters about?

  • Pilot programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
  • Visualisation of individualised energy consumption in real time through the use of smart meters
  • Smart meters ensure continuous monitoring of your energy costs
  • Digitised networking is promoted

Funded Project Einsparzähler

Hotel Industry

About 5-10 % of the turnover in the hotel industry is spent on energy. Would you like to improve the energy efficiency of your hotel and reduce your energy costs? Would you like a clever, innovative energy solution for your hotel?
Take part in the Kilowatthandel AG savings meter pilot project! Benefit from BMWi funding without having to submit a funding application.
We measure the most important 4-5 consumption groups with the help of intelligent sub-meters, determine key figures in real time and compare them with target values. From this, we develop proposals for action to optimise your hotel, some of which are very simple, and permanently monitor the progress of the project.
As a result, you get an energy-optimised hotel, save on energy costs and increase the attractiveness and thus also the marketability of your hotel.

The results of our joint analyses with researchers from Leipzig University were presented at the 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market vom June 06 – 08, 2023 in Lappeenranta, Finland:

EEM23 Conference | LUT University

We advise you on the most important plant groups in your house:

  • Heating
  • Hot water
  • Cooling/ventilation
  • Lighting
  • Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous
  • Kitchen
  • Office

Funded Project Einsparzähler

Car Parks

Energy usage and general maintenance contribute to a considerable proportion of operation costs for car parks. Amongst everything, lighting and air conditioning are most responsible for high electricity bills. Here is how we may help you with controlling your budgets:
We will measure the energy consumption of the most important four to five groups of equipments using smart sub-meters. After obtaining and processing real time statistics, we will compare them with your target values. From here, we will suggest some realistic strategies which can minimize the car park’s energy costs. We will also monitor closely the progress of the project.
When the project is finished, your car park will have an optimized energy usage and provide a better parking experience to your customers. You will of course be making considerable savings on energy bills. Amongst other benefits, it will also increase the marketing potentials of your establishment.

The results of our project „smart park“ were analyzed in collaboration with Leipzig University. You can download the publication under the following link:

The source code can be found here

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Intelligent Energy Management

Reduce your energy costs sustainably.

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